
一. Model Representation


通过输入住房面积 x,通过学习好的函数,输出房子的估价。

二. Cost Function



$$h_{\theta}(x) = \theta_{0} + \theta_{1}x$$

如何选择 $\theta_{0}$、$\theta_{1}$,使得 $h_{\theta}(x)$ 更接近于训练集 (x,y) ?

上述问题可以转换为求 $$ \rm{CostFunction} = \rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) = \frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i = 1}^{m} (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)})^2 $$ 求最小值$$\min_{{\theta_{0}} {\theta_{1}}} \rm{F}({\theta_{0},{\theta_{1}})} $$

三. Gradient Descent 梯度下降


  1. 初始化 ${\theta_{0}}$ 和 ${\theta_{1}}$ , ${\theta_{0}}$ = 0 , ${\theta_{1}}$ = 0
  2. 不断的改变 ${\theta_{0}}$ 和 ${\theta_{1}}$ 值,不断减少 $F({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}})$ 直至达到最小值(或者局部最小)。




$$\begin{align*} \rm{temp}0 &:= {\theta_{0}} - \alpha * \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{0}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) \\ \rm{temp}1 &:= {\theta_{1}} - \alpha * \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{1}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) \\ {\theta_{0}} &:= \rm{temp}0 \\ {\theta_{1}} &:= \rm{temp}1 \\ \end{align*}$$

直到收敛。注意 ${\theta_{0}}$ 和 ${\theta_{1}}$ 值要同时更新切记不要求一次导更新一次!

$\alpha$ 被称作为学习速率。

如果 $\alpha$ 被设置的很小,需要很多次循环才能到底最低点。
如果 $\alpha$ 被设置的很大,来来回回可能就会离最低点越来越远,会导致无法收敛,甚至发散

当快要到最低点的时候,梯度下降会越来越慢,因为 $ \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta}}$ 越来越小。

四. 关于 梯度 和 偏导数 的关系


1. 导数


$$ f^{'}(x_{0}) = \lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow 0} \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} = \lim_{\Delta x\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x_{0} + \Delta x) - f(x_{0}))}{\Delta x} $$

导数的几何意义是切线在该点的斜率,物理意义是函数在这一点的 (瞬时) 变化率。

2. 偏导数


$$ f_{x}(x_{0},y_{0}) = \lim_{\Delta x \rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x_{0} + \Delta x , y_{0}) - f(x_{0},y_{0})}{\Delta x} $$ $$ f_{y}(x_{0},y_{0}) = \lim_{\Delta y \rightarrow 0} \frac{f(x_{0} , y_{0} + \Delta y) - f(x_{0},y_{0})}{\Delta y} $$

偏导数的几何意义也是切线的斜率,不过由于在曲面上,在一个点上与该曲面曲线相切的是一个面,就意味着切线有无数条。这里我们感兴趣的是2条切线,一个条是垂直于 y 轴(平行于 xOz 平面)的切线,另外一条是垂直于 x 轴(平行于 yOz 平面)的切线。这两条切线对应的斜率就是对 X 求偏导和对 Y 求偏导。



3. 方向导数


设函数 u = u(x,y) 在点 $p_{0}(x_{0},y_{0})$ 的某空间临域 $ U \subset R^{2}$ 内有定义, L 为从点 $p_{0}$ 出发的射线,$p(x_{0},y_{0})$ 为 L 上且在 U 内的任一点,以 $t = \sqrt{(\Delta x)^{2} +(\Delta y)^{2} }$ 表示 $p$ 与 $p_{0}$ 之间的距离,若极限 :

$$ \left.\begin{matrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial l} \end{matrix}\right|_{(x_{0},y_{0})} = \lim_{t \rightarrow 0^{+}} \frac{f(x_{0} + tcos \alpha , y_{0} + tcos \beta) - f(x_{0},y_{0})}{t} $$

存在,则称此极限为函数 u = u(x,y) 在点 $p_{0}$ 沿方向 L 的方向导数,记作 $ \left.\begin{matrix}
\frac{\partial f}{\partial l}
\end{matrix}\right|_{(x_{0},y_{0})}$ 。

方向导数是偏导数的概念的推广, 偏导数研究的是指定方向 (坐标轴方向) 的变化率,到了方向导数,指定的方向可以是任意方向了。

如果函数 u = u(x,y) 在点 $p_{0}(x_{0},y_{0})$ 可微分,那么函数在该点沿任一方向 L 的方向导数存在,且有

$$ \left.\begin{matrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial l} \end{matrix}\right|_{(x_{0},y_{0})} = f_{x}(x_{0},y_{0})cos \alpha + f_{y}(x_{0},y_{0})cos \beta $$

其中, $cos \alpha $ ,$cos \beta$ 是方向 L 的方向余弦。



4. 梯度


在二元函数的情形,设函数 $f(x,y)$ 在平面区域 D 内具有一阶连续偏导数,则对于每一点 $P_{0}(x_{0},y_{0}) \in D $,都可定出一个向量:

$$ f_{x}(x_{0},y_{0}) \vec{i} + f_{y}(x_{0},y_{0}) \vec{j} $$

这个向量称为函数 $f(x,y)$ 在点 $p_{0}(x_{0},y_{0})$ 的梯度,记作 $ \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) $ 或 $ \triangledown f(x_{0},y_{0}) $ , 即

$$ \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) = \triangledown f(x_{0},y_{0}) = f_{x}(x_{0},y_{0}) \vec{i} + f_{y}(x_{0},y_{0}) \vec{j} $$

其中 $ \triangledown = \frac{\partial }{\partial x} \vec{i} + \frac{\partial }{\partial y} \vec{j} $ 称为 (二维的) 向量微分算子 或者 Nabla 算子, $ \triangledown f = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \;\; \vec{i} + \frac{\partial f }{\partial y} \;\; \vec{j} $

如果函数 $f(x,y)$ 在点 $p_{0}(x_{0},y_{0})$ 可微分, $\vec{e_{j}} = (cos \alpha,cos \beta)$ 是与方向 L 同向的单位向量,则:

$$ \begin{align*} \left.\begin{matrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial l} \end{matrix}\right|_{(x_{0},y_{0})} &= f_{x}(x_{0},y_{0})cos \alpha + f_{y}(x_{0},y_{0})cos \beta \\ &= \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) \cdot \vec{e_{j}} = \left | \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) \right | cos \theta \\ \end{align*} $$

其中 $ \theta $ 为 $ \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) $ 与 $ \vec{e_{j}} $ 的夹角。

  1. 当 $\theta = 0 $ 的时候,$\left.\begin{matrix}
    \frac{\partial f}{\partial l}
    \end{matrix}\right|_{(x_{0},y_{0})} = \left | \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) \right |$

函数 $f(x,y)$ 在一点的梯度 $ \textbf{grad}\;\;f $ 是这样的一个向量,它的方向是函数在这点的方向导数取得最大值的方向,它的模就等于方向导数的最大值

  1. 当 $\theta = \pi $ 的时候,$\left.\begin{matrix}
    \frac{\partial f}{\partial l}
    \end{matrix}\right|_{(x_{0},y_{0})} = - \left | \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x_{0},y_{0}) \right |$

即 $ \vec{e_{j}} $ 与 梯度 方向相反的时候,函数减少最快,在这个方向的方向导数达到最小值。




概念 物理意义
导数 $ f^{'}(x) $ 函数在该点的瞬时变化率
偏导数 $ \frac{\partial f(x,y) }{\partial x} $ 函数在坐标轴方向上的变化率
方向导数 函数在某点沿某个特定方向的变化率
梯度 $ \textbf{grad}\;\;f(x,y) $ 函数在该点沿所有方向变化率最大的那个方向

五. Linear Regression 线性回归


\begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{j}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) & = \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{j}}} \frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i = 1}^{m} (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)})^2\\ \end{align*}

令 $ z = (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)})^2$ , $ u = h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)}$ , 则 $ z = u^2 $。 考虑到 $f(z)$ 和 $f(u)$ 都是连续的,则有:

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{j}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) & = \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{j}}} \frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i = 1}^{m} (h_{\theta}(x^{(i)})-y^{(i)})^2\\ & = \frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i = 1}^{m} \frac{\partial z }{\partial u} \frac{\partial u }{\partial {\theta_{j}}} = \frac{1}{2m} * 2 \sum_{i = 1}^{m} u \frac{\partial u }{\partial {\theta_{j}}}\\ & = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m} u \frac{\partial u }{\partial {\theta_{j}}} \\ \end{align*}

将 u 展开 $ u = \theta_{0} + {\theta_{1}}x^{(i)}-y^{(i)}$ , 令 j = 0,则有

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{0}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) &= \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m} u \frac{\partial u }{\partial {\theta_{0}}} \\ &= \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m}(\theta_{0} + \theta_{1}x^{(i)} - y^{(i)}) = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m}(h_{\theta}(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}) \\ \end{align*}

令 j = 1,则有

\begin{align*} \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{1}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) &= \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m} u \frac{\partial u }{\partial {\theta_{1}}}\\ &= \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m}(\theta_{0} + \theta_{1}x^{(i)} - y^{(i)}) * x^{(i)} = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m}(h_{\theta}(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}) * x^{(i)} \\ \end{align*}


\begin{align*} \rm{temp}0 &:= {\theta_{0}} - \alpha * \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{0}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) = {\theta_{0}} - \alpha * \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m}(h_{\theta}(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}) \\ \rm{temp}1 &:= {\theta_{1}} - \alpha * \frac{\partial }{\partial {\theta_{1}}}\rm{F}({\theta_{0}},{\theta_{1}}) = {\theta_{1}} - \alpha * \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i = 1}^{m}(h_{\theta}(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}) * x^{(i)} \\ {\theta_{0}} &:= \rm{temp}0 \\ {\theta_{1}} &:= \rm{temp}1 \\ \end{align*}

当然除了用梯度下降的迭代算法,还有其他方法可以算出代价函数的最小值,比如线性代数里面的 正规方程组法。但是两者相比较而言,梯度下降适合更大的数据集。


import numpy as np
x_train = np.array([[2.5], [3.5], [6.3], [9.9], [9.91], [8.02],
                    [4.5], [5.5], [6.23], [7.923], [2.941], [5.02],
                    [6.34], [7.543], [7.546], [8.744], [9.674], [9.643],
                    [5.33], [5.31], [6.78], [1.01], [9.68],
                    [9.99], [3.54], [6.89], [10.9]], dtype=np.float32)

y_train = np.array([[3.34], [3.86], [5.63], [7.78], [10.6453], [8.43],
                    [4.75], [5.345], [6.546], [7.5754], [2.35654], [5.43646],
                    [6.6443], [7.64534], [7.546], [8.7457], [9.6464], [9.74643],
                    [6.32], [6.42], [6.1243], [1.088], [10.342],
                    [9.24], [4.22], [5.44], [9.33]], dtype=np.float32)

y_data = np.array([[2.5], [3.5], [6.3], [9.9], [9.91], [8.02],
                    [4.5], [5.5], [6.23], [7.923], [2.941], [5.02],
                    [6.34], [7.543], [7.546], [8.744], [9.674], [9.643],
                    [5.33], [5.31], [6.78], [1.01], [9.68],
                    [9.99], [3.54], [6.89], [10.9]], dtype=np.float32)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(x_train, y_train, 'bo',label='real')
plt.plot(x_train, y_data, 'r-',label='estimated')

六. Linear Regression with One Variable 测试

1. Question 1

Consider the problem of predicting how well a student does in her second year of college/university, given how well she did in her first year.

Specifically, let x be equal to the number of "A" grades (including A-. A and A+ grades) that a student receives in their first year of college (freshmen year). We would like to predict the value of y, which we define as the number of "A" grades they get in their second year (sophomore year).

Here each row is one training example. Recall that in linear regression, our hypothesis is hθ(x)=θ0+θ1x, and we use m to denote the number of training examples.

For the training set given above (note that this training set may also be referenced in other questions in this quiz), what is the value of m? In the box below, please enter your answer (which should be a number between 0 and 10).


2. Question 2

Consider the following training set of m=4 training examples:

x y
1 0.5
2 1
4 2
0 0

Consider the linear regression model hθ(x)=θ0+θ1x. What are the values of θ0 and θ1 that you would expect to obtain upon running gradient descent on this model? (Linear regression will be able to fit this data perfectly.)







3. Question 3

Suppose we set θ0=−1,θ1=2 in the linear regression hypothesis from Q1. What is hθ(6)?

-1 + 2*6 = 11

4. Question 4

Let f be some function so that f(θ0,θ1) outputs a number. For this problem, f is some arbitrary/unknown smooth function (not necessarily the cost function of linear regression, so f may have local optima). Suppose we use gradient descent to try to minimize f(θ0,θ1) as a function of θ0 and θ1. Which of the following statements are true? (Check all that apply.)

A. No matter how θ0 and θ1 are initialized, so long
as α is sufficiently small, we can safely expect gradient descent to converge
to the same solution.

B. If the first few iterations of gradient descent cause f(θ0,θ1) to
increase rather than decrease, then the most likely cause is that we have set the
learning rate α to too large a value.

C. If θ0 and θ1 are initialized at
the global minimum, then one iteration will not change their values.

D. Setting the learning rate α to be very small is not harmful, and can
only speed up the convergence of gradient descent.


5. Question 5

Suppose that for some linear regression problem (say, predicting housing prices as in the lecture), we have some training set, and for our training set we managed to find some θ0, θ1 such that J(θ0,θ1)=0.

Which of the statements below must then be true? (Check all that apply.)

A. For this to be true, we must have θ0=0 and θ1=0
so that hθ(x)=0

B. We can perfectly predict the value of y even for new examples that we have not yet seen.
(e.g., we can perfectly predict prices of even new houses that we have not yet seen.)

C. For these values of θ0 and θ1 that satisfy J(θ0,θ1)=0,
we have that hθ(x(i))=y(i) for every training example (x(i),y(i))

D. This is not possible: By the definition of J(θ0,θ1), it is not possible for there to exist
θ0 and θ1 so that J(θ0,θ1)=0


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Source: https://github.com/halfrost/Halfrost-Field/blob/master/contents/Machine_Learning/Gradient_descent.ipynb